
If you’ve been indulging in the guilty pleasure of watching “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” you know a major storyline this season is Yolanda Hadid’s ongoing struggle with Lyme disease. From her sickly pallor and face uncharacteristically devoid of makeup to her closet full of pill bottles, this season’s Hadid (formerly Yolanda Foster) is in striking contrast to her perfectly coiffed presence in seasons past.

For her castmates, speculation abounds: How can she sometimes look so healthy? Why is she at one function but can’t make another? Why isn’t she getting better?

Despite earnest claims by her friends that they know she is ill and suffering, the fluctuating nature of her illness and her diagnosis — neurologic Lyme, an advanced stage of Lyme disease which can cause cognitive symptoms like short-term memory loss and processing problems — leave her friends questioning.


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